The Heart Sutra about Aimlessness
From the Heart Sutra: “Insight and attainment are also not separate self-entities. Whoever can see this no longer needs anything to attain.”… The teaching of aimlessness is a deep and wonderful teaching.
Metta Meditation
I’ve written a Metta meditation in the Plum Village style and I hope it will bring you a sense of ease and comfort. You might also like to place one or both of your hands over your heart while we practice.
5 Meditations on the 5 Mindfulness Trainings
Breathing in, I don’t cover my suffering with unmindful consumption, but contemplate Interbeing. Breathing out, I consume to preserve peace, joy, and well-being for all—and for Mother Earth. Contemplating Interbeing; Preserving our well-being.
For the Sick and Dying
We have an idea that we began to exist the day our mother gave us birth and that the day we are buried, we cease to exist. We say we are our body, and outside of our own body, we do not exist.