inspired by Adam Wethington and Thich Nhat Hanh

Priority #1: Well-being

Breathing in—I recognize my mind.
Breathing out—I acknowledge my body.

Breathing in—I learn to understand my capacity.
Breathing out—I learn to love myself.
In—understanding my limits
Out—loving myself

Breathing in—I must take care of myself.
Breathing out—I know it’s the best way to care for others.
In—caring for me to care for others
Out—mindful of interbeing

Priority #2: Connection

Breathing in—I contemplate my relationships.
Breathing out—I take care of my relationships.
In—contemplating those I love
Out—caring for our relationships

Breathing in—I practice loving speech.
Breathing out—I learn to listen deeply.
In—practicing loving speech
Out—learning to listen deeply

Breathing in—I say, “I’m here for you.”
Breathing out—“I know you are there, and I’m so happy.”
In—“I’m here for you.”
Out—“I’m happy to know you are there.”

Priority #3: Livelihood

Breathing in—I know my livelihood is more than just making money.
Breathing out—I want my livelihood to benefit all beings and the Earth.
In—more than a paycheck
Out—helping the world

Breathing in—I find peace and joy in earning my living.
Breathing out—I contemplate the ways my work impacts the world.
In—finding happiness in my work
Out—contemplating my work’s impact

Breathing in—I understand that livelihood is more than just personal.
Breathing out—I realize that livelihood is interbeing and “collective karma.”
In—more than me
Out—interbeing and “collective karma”

Priority #4: Development

Breathing in—I stop and experience my breath.
Breathing out—I’m mindful of my breathing.
In—breathing consciously
Out—generating mindfulness

Breathing in—I look deeply and focus on my breath.
Breathing out—I’m concentrating on my breath.
In—breathing with focus
Out—generating concentration

Breathing in—I breathe with mindfulness and concentration.
Breathing out—I gain the insight that I’m alive.
In—mindfulness and concentration
Out—insight that I’m alive

Priority #5: Spirituality

Breathing in—I remember that everything is made of non-self elements.
Breathing out—I know that everything is interdependent.

Breathing in—I remember there is no birth and no death.
Breathing out—I know there is only transformation and change.
In—no birth; no death
Out—everything is impermanent

Breathing in—I remember nirvana is not a phenomenon.
Breathing out—I know I can touch nirvana right here, right now.
In—touching nirvana
Out—in the present moment

—jennie l. lamb | march 23, 2024

Guided Meditation - Contemplating Priorities and Boundaries (20:50)

by Beautiful Continuation of the Source