Five Guided Meditations on the Five Mindfulness Trainings in the Plum Village Tradition

Learn about the Five Mindfulness Trainings on the Plum Village website.
Or, read The Mindfulness Survival Kit by Thich Nhat Hanh. Parallax Press.
Find 5 videos from a virtual study course about the Five Mindfulness Trainings on the Joyful Mountain Sangha YouTube channel.

1) Reverence for Life

Mindfulness is a source of happinessBreathing in, I pay attention to my in-breath.
Breathing out, I pay attention to my out-breath.
Attention to in-breath; Attention to out-breath.

Breathing in, I’m aware of the suffering caused by killing.
Breathing out, I compassionately protect all life.
Aware of suffering; Protecting life.

Breathing in, I don’t kill, or let others do so.
Breathing out, I don’t support killing with any of my actions.
No killing; No support of killing.

Breathing in, I’m aware of harmful actions in the world.
Breathing out, I know they arise from anger, fear, greed, and intolerance.
Dualism and discrimination; Unwholesome seeds.

Breathing in, I transform violence, fanaticism, and dogmatism.
Breathing out, I cultivate openness, tolerance, and non-attachment.
Transforming hatred; Cultivating peace.

2) True Happiness

Breathing in, I know this is my in-breath.
Breathing out, I know this is my out-breath.
Knowledge of in-breath; Knowledge of out-breath.

Breathing in, I’m aware of the suffering caused by stealing and social injustices.
Breathing out, I practice generosity in all of my actions.
Aware of suffering; Practicing generosity.

Breathing in, I don’t possess that which belongs to others.
Breathing out, I share my resources with those who are in need.
Not stealing; Sharing my resources.

Breathing in, I look deeply at my happiness and my suffering.
Breathing out, I recognize that my happiness and my suffering inter-are with all other beings.
Looking deeply; Recognizing Interbeing.

Breathing in, I know that chasing wealth, fame, power, and pleasure causes suffering.
Breathing out, I’m aware that True Happiness comes from understanding and compassion.
Suffering from desire; Happiness from compassion.

Breathing in, I remember that external conditions can not make me happy.
Breathing out, I have more than enough within myself to be happy—right now.
No happiness from outside of me; Having happiness inside of me.

Breathing in, I practice Right Livelihood to reduce suffering for all beings.
Breathing out, I practice Right Livelihood to reduce suffering for Mother Earth.
Reducing suffering for all; Reducing suffering for Mother Earth.

3) True Love

Breathing in, I recognize my in-breath.
Breathing out, I recognize my out-breath.
Recognizing in-breath; Recognizing out-breath.

Breathing in, I’m aware of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct.
Breathing out, I practice responsibility and protect the safety and integrity of all.
Aware of suffering; Protecting safety and integrity.

Breathing in, I know that sexual desire and craving harms myself and others.
Breathing out, I don’t have sex without mutual consent, true love, and a deep, long-term commitment.
Knowing that craving harms; No sex without consent, love, and commitment.

Breathing in, I find support for the integrity of my relationship from those I love and trust.
Breathing out, I protect children, couples, and families from sexual abuse and misconduct.
A supported relationship; Protecting all from sexual abuse and misconduct.

Breathing in, I learn appropriate ways to take care of my sexual energy.
Breathing out, I cultivate loving kindness, compassion, joy, and inclusiveness for all.
Caring for my sexual energy; Cultivating True Love.

Breathing in, I don’t discriminate against any form of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Breathing out, I practice True Love—knowing I will continue beautifully into the future.
Non-discrimination of all; Practicing to continue beautifully.

4) Loving Speech & Deep Listening

Breathing in, I acknowledge my in-breath.
Breathing out, I acknowledge my out-breath.
Acknowledging in-breath; Acknowledging out-breath.

Breathing in, I’m aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and an inability to listen.
Breathing out, I cultivate Loving Speech & Deep Listening to promote reconciliation and peace for all.
Aware of suffering; Cultivating reconciliation.

Breathing in, I speak truthfully with words of confidence, joy, and hope.
Breathing out, I don’t speak at all when anger is manifesting in me.
Speaking truth; Not speaking anger.

Breathing in, I use mindfulness practices to look deeply into my anger.
Breathing out, I know that anger arises from me not understanding our suffering.
Looking deeply into my anger; Knowing I misunderstand suffering.

Breathing in, I don’t spread lies, or speak words causing division or discord.
Breathing out, I speak and listen to help transform our suffering.
Not spreading lies, division, or discord; Transforming our suffering.

Breathing in, I practice Right Diligence to nourish my understanding, love, joy, and inclusiveness.
Breathing out, I gradually transform anger, violence, and fear deep in my consciousness.
Nourishing understanding and love; Transforming anger and fear.

5) Nourishment & Healing

Breathing in, I follow my in-breath from beginning to end.
Breathing out, I follow my out-breath from beginning to end.
Following in-breath; Following out-breath.

Breathing in, I’m aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption.
Breathing out, I cultivate good health for all by consuming mindfully.
Aware of suffering; Consuming mindfully.

Breathing in, I look deeply into how I consume the Four Kinds of Nutriments.
Breathing out, I recognize that edible foods, sense impressions, volition, and consciousness are nutriments.
Looking deeply at how I consume; Recognizing the Four Kinds of Nutriments.

Breathing in, I know that certain websites, games, media, and conversations are toxic.
Breathing out, I don’t gamble, or misuse intoxicants.
Recognizing all kinds of toxins; Not misusing intoxicants.

Breathing in, I don’t let regrets and sorrow drag me into the past, or let fear, and desire pull me into the future.
Breathing in, I dwell in the present moment to refresh and heal myself.
Not being drawn away from the present; Healing myself in the here and now.

Breathing in, I don’t cover my suffering with unmindful consumption, but contemplate Interbeing.
Breathing out, I consume to preserve peace, joy, and well-being for all—and for Mother Earth.
Contemplating Interbeing; Preserving our well-being.

—jenniellamb | nov. 26, 2022